New Kent Prostitution Lawyer
Prostitution is a Class 1 misdemeanor offense in Virginia that could result in a term of imprisonment and a fine if convicted. If you have been charged with prostitution, it can be difficult to fight these charges without legal representation. However, a New Kent prostitution lawyer could represent you and fight on your behalf to try to achieve the best possible outcome under the circumstances.
An individual with prior convictions for prostitution or related offenses could face elevated charges and more severe penalties if convicted a subsequent time. If you have prior convictions for prostitution and are facing new charges, it is in your best interest to seek legal assistance from a dedicated defense attorney who understands criminal law and is familiar with the legal system.
Prostitution Offenses
Prostitution involves the commercialization of sexual services or acts. It is against the law and is punishable upon conviction. Section 18.2-346 of the Virginia criminal code specifically defines the offense of prostitution as participating, performing, or engaging in any type of sexual act in exchange for money or its equivalent.
How Does Solicitation Differ from Prostitution?
Solicitation is an offense related to prostitution that involves a person offering money or its equivalent to another individual in exchange for commercial sex. Like prostitution, solicitation is also a Class 1 misdemeanor offense.
However, the act does not have to be committed in order for a charge of solicitation to be possible. Furthermore, if the individual solicited is a minor, this offense could be charged as a Class 5 or Class 6 felony, even if it was not known that the individual being solicited was a minor.
Pimping and Pandering Offenses
Two additional prostitution-related offenses include pimping and pandering. Pimping involves receiving a percentage or portion of the money paid to another individual for engaging in prostitution. A person does not have to actually engage in any prostitution-related sex acts to be charged with pimping.
Pandering can also involve receiving a portion of another person’s earnings for engaging in prostitution but can also simply involve the facilitation of prostitution in some way. Facilitation could involve providing a place where prostitution acts could be carried out, or it could involve promoting or advertising prostitution services, for example. A New Kent prostitution lawyer could explain the various types of prostitution-related offenses and the differences between them.
Legal Penalties for a Prostitution Conviction
As a Class 1 misdemeanor offense in New Kent, the legal penalties for convictions of prostitution offenses include a jail sentence of up to 12 months and a $2,500 possible fine. Prior convictions for prostitution could potentially result in felony charges instead, which carry more severe legal penalties.
The legal penalty for Class 1 misdemeanor solicitation is also a jail sentence of up to 12 months and a possible fine, while the legal penalty for Class 5 felony solicitation is a maximum ten-year prison sentence and a $2,500 fine. Pandering can be charged as a Class 4 felony, which is punishable by a prison sentence of between two and ten years and a fine of up to $100,000. A New Kent lawyer for prostitution cases could explain the possible penalties associated with a specific prostitution-related charge.
Let a New Kent Prostitution Attorney Assist
If you were charged with or accused of prostitution, it may be advantageous to obtain the legal assistance of a New Kent prostitution lawyer. Attempting to fight charges alone may be difficult and overwhelming, especially if you have any prior convictions.
By working with a tenacious attorney, you could fight to protect your rights. To discuss your case, call a legal professional today.