New Kent Gun Lawyer
Gun violence is a growing concern throughout the United States, and it is becoming increasingly prominent in the public consciousness. Gun violence instills a certain amount fear in the community. This fear of guns is manifested in the way New Kent prosecutes gun crimes. Gun-related charges are taken seriously and prosecuted aggressively. Because gun crimes are prosecuted aggressively and harshly, it is all the more important for anyone facing gun charges in New Kent to consult with a New Kent gun lawyer as soon as is possible. The experience and knowledge that a lawyer in New Kent can provide is invaluable in building a strong defense to gun charges.
Common Firearm Offenses
Most gun offenses in New Kent involve possessing a firearm, rather than discharging the firearm. Common gun crimes include concealing a firearm without a permit, which is a class one misdemeanor, or possessing a firearm after being convicted of a felony, which is a felony.
Carrying Guns in New Kent
Hunting is allowed in New Kent and it is done frequently on private land and during individual animal hunting seasons. People also sometimes simply have a gun on their person as they are passing through New Kent on their way to another destination. When transporting a firearm in, or while passing through New Kent, it is important to be knowledgeable of county ordinances. An individual should unload the firearm and keep it in a proper case to protect themselves from any criminal charges.
A gun attorney in New Kent will be familiar with the local gun ordinances and will able to advise on how best to follow them. Most New Kent ordinances related to carrying a concealed firearm or transporting firearms reference state code 18.2-308, which prohibits concealing a firearm without a permit.
Gun Offenses Penalties
Gun offenses can range from a carrying a concealed firearm, which has maximum penalty of 12 months in jail, to a felony for possession of a firearm, which could lead to a five-year mandatory minimum sentence. Since gun violence in America is a significant problem, gun offenses are prosecuted aggressively by the Commonwealth.
Long-Term Repercussions
Depending on the charge, a conviction for a gun offense could be a felony. Upon conviction of a felony an individual loses the right to vote and the right to possess a firearm. Further, a conviction will remain on their record and can impact an employer’s perception of them and their ability to get security clearance.
Advantages of a New Kent Gun Lawyer
An aggressive New Kent gun lawyer understands the law and local ordinances, so he or she is prepared to fight for their client’s right to have their firearm now and in the future. With the prosecution being aggressive on the offense, it is important to have an equally aggressive and competent defense.
Benefits of a Private Law Firm
A private firm has more time and resources to dedicate to a person’s case, so it is beneficial to work with one when facing gun charges. A private firm has more availability to speak with their client than a solo practitioner does, and they have investigators on staff to assist with investigating the case, all of which impacts the quality of the defense.