Dinwiddie Prostitution Lawyer
One of the sex crimes in Dinwiddie is accepting or soliciting payment in exchange for a sexual act. Doing so breaks the state statute that prohibits prostitution, and can lead to serious criminal sanctions if the accusation is proven and you get convicted for the offense.
One of the sex crimes in Dinwiddie is accepting or soliciting payment in exchange for a sexual act. Doing so breaks the state statute that prohibits prostitution, and can lead to serious criminal sanctions if the accusation is proven and you get convicted for the offense.
With the defense work of a Dinwiddie prostitution lawyer, you can fight the charges that you committed an act of prostitution and defend your rights and interests. Your future well-being counts on beating the charge. Call a seasoned defense lawyer today.
The High Costs of a Prostitution Conviction
Getting convicted for prostitution is not a trivial thing. Prostitution in Dinwiddie is a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable with a fine of up to $2,500 and up to a year in jail. Probation and community service are not uncommon sanctions, as well.
However, the real cost of a conviction for prostitution happens after the fines have been paid and the confinement has been completed. The blemish that any criminal conviction puts on a defendant’s criminal history can be seen by anyone who cares to look.
Landlords and potential employers are just some of the people who can conduct a background check and find a prior offense for prostitution on someone’s criminal history. This knowledge can drastically alter a job application or apartment hunt, even if the prior offense was years or even decades in the past.
The social stigmatization that comes with a prior offense for prostitution is difficult to shake off, and often makes it far more difficult for someone to live their life the way they want to. Retaining a Dinwiddie prostitution lawyer to defend against the charge and prevent a conviction can avoid these long term effects.
What Exactly is Prostitution?
In Dinwiddie, prostitution is defined by Virginia Code Ann. § 18.2-346(a). This state law makes it a crime to perform a sexual act in exchange for compensation – whether that compensation comes in the form of money, something else of value, or even a service in return. A mere promise to do something in the future can amount to prostitution, so long as it is made in exchange for a sexual favor.
An important part of the law – and one that often leads to innocent people getting arrested and accused of prostitution – is that it does not require the sexual act to be complete or even begun.
Rather, all that is required for a prostitution charge is the exchange of compensation for a sexual act, and a substantial step in furtherance of performing that sexual act. That substantial step can take lots of different forms – many of which are entirely innocuous and innocent.
However, prosecutors in Dinwiddie aggressively pursue prostitution charges, and strongly claim that these innocent movements prove a claim of prostitution. Overcoming these arguments and showing a defendant’s innocence can take the skills of a Dinwiddie prostitution lawyer.
Speak with a Dinwiddie Prostitution Attorney Today
Being accused of prostitution is an awkward and potentially life-altering event. That law enforcement can think that they have enough evidence to formally accuse you of a crime like prostitution is scary because it means they think they can obtain a conviction that would saddle you with a criminal background and subject you to steep fines and a jail sentence.
Defending against the accusation is essential. Calling a Dinwiddie prostitution lawyer is an important first step. With the help of an attorney, the prosecutor’s case can be challenged and evidence can be presented to show your innocence. Contact an attorney today to get started.