Ignition Interlock Devices in Chesterfield
An ignition interlock device is a device that’s installed on a vehicle to register your alcohol. It’s actually connected to the ignition switch so when an individual turns on the vehicle, they are required to blow into it. If it senses any alcohol at all, it will not start. In addition, it will often alert you while driving and require you to blow into it. If it senses any alcohol while you’re driving, the horn will beep, the lights will flash, and will stop until you cut off the engine.
Though it is a common penalty following a DUI, it is still possible to fight the state against installing the device if you call and retain an experienced Chesterfield DUI attorney. Calling early also means that your attorney will have time to build your defense and potentially argue against getting the device installed.
Ignition Interlock Devices After a Chesterfield DUI
In Chesterfield County, the ignition interlock device is installed on all DUI cases from the first offense to the seventh offense. Virginia law now requires that the ignition interlock be installed for a minimum of six months. If you’re convicted of a DUI in Virginia, you will be dealing with the ignition interlock.
With first offense DUI cases, it is required that you have the ignition interlock device installed for a minimum of six months. If you have complied with your alcohol counseling requirements and have had positive interlock tests, you and your DUI lawyer can typically petition the court to have it removed. After you petition, it is up to the Judge whether to order removal of the ignition interlock device.
Why Get an Ignition Interlock?
If you are convicted of a first offense DUI in Virginia you must petition the Court to get a restricted license. If it is a conviction on a second offense you will have to wait anywhere from four months to a year in order to get a restricted license. To petition you must fill out a restricted license application that outlines what your specific needs are for the license. The Court will allow you to drive to, from, and during work, to and from medical appointments, and other requirements. In addition, in order to get that restricted license, you will have to deal with the ignition interlock device for at least six months.
Cost of Installing an Ignition Interlock Device
It is very expensive to have the ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. Not only is there an initial installation fee that’s required, you are then required to pay to have the device serviced once a month. Another alcohol monitoring device is a scram bracelet which is attached to your ankle and reads alcohol levels in your perspiration. These are typically used in aggravated cases or where you have prior offense while out on bail pending trial.
How an Chesterfield County DUI Lawyer Can Help
An attorney can help with an ignition interlock device in several ways. A Chesterfield DUI attorney who has handled these cases before can attempt to minimize how long it’s on your vehicle. Judges have the discretion to require it through the whole length of the license suspension so what an attorney is going to try and do is minimize that to at least six months.
Fighting the Installation
Many people who are faced with the penalty of having an ignition interlock device installed do want to fight the installation. However, due to Virginia law, it is required that it’s in the car for a minimum of six months. There is, unfortunately, very little that a lawyer can do to avoid having an IID applied if you’re convicted of a DUI. However, an attorney can try and minimize how long that device is installed.